Food – the great connection

Specific dishes, ingredients, and preparation styles have significant cultural impacts. With smell and taste being senses closely tied to memory, it’s no wonder why food plays an important role in traveling/tourism.

Our favorite recipes and foods tell a story. We’d like to get to know you and the recipes that are important to you and your culture.

Deliciously Diverse will be a monthly recipe-sharing post by the Diversity & Inclusion Committee. We are asking for your participation by providing recipes for dishes that are significant to your culture, or recipes that you’ve tried/would like to try from differing cultures.

Ultimately we’d like to collect as many recipes as possible and host a cross-location potluck to celebrate all the cultures that make us who we are.

This month’s recipe: Hoe Cake by Shayla Williams

Hoe Cake

Servings: 6 | Prep time: 2 minutes | Cook time: 10 minutes


  • 2.5 cups flour
  • 4 TBSP melted butter
  • 1 cup buttermilk

(Yes, only 3 ingredients!)


1. Combine all ingredients (wet to dry) in a mixing bowl until completely blended. Consistency will be thick and sticky.

2. Butter the sides and bottom of your skillet and place it over medium heat.

3. After the butter begins to bubble add your mixture to the pan and cook through. Once cooked the bottom will begin to slide around the pan easily. Once cooked, slide the cake onto a plate, re-butter the pan, then place the skillet over the plate upside down and flip the top, uncooked portion faced down into the pan. Cook through as you did the other side.

4. After both sides are cooked through, plate the cake and slice for serving. Pair the hoe cake with breakfast favorites and good biscuit syrup

5. ENJOY!!!

If you try this recipe, share it with Shayla! If you have a recipe of your own you’d like to share, reach out to Shayla or another committee member, or email us at


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