Celebrate spring in an inclusive way at work! The spring season holds a unique significance to each of our teammates. So, how do we celebrate everyone inclusively knowing we have all different beliefs and traditions?

It’s easier than you think! We can take the time to learn about different holidays celebrated in the spring.

Why is this important?

If we remind ourselves not everyone holds the same ideals as us, we can be more mindful in those moments of celebration. Even with simple things like what we name our events, ice breakers, or happy hours!

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee wants to bring awareness to the diverse array of holidays and events that happen this time of year. So we want to encourage you to think with a broader scope when celebrating with your teammates.

Spring is the time of year when the natural world revives and refreshes after winter! Things start to bloom, grow, and blossom. We see the sunshine again, and we find our dormant plants have sprung back to life, new seedlings have sprouted, and hibernating animals are now awake. It’s truly a time to rise and thrive once again into the rest of our year!

Ever find it interesting that so many people have reasons to celebrate around the same time each year? Here are some important holidays/celebrations happening throughout the spring season

Holidays during Spring Time

  • February 14th – Valentines Day
  • February 21st – Carnival/Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday
  • March 3rd – Hinamatsuri
  • March 8th – International Women’s Day
  • March 8-9th – Holi Festival
  • March 17th – St. Patricks Day
  • March 19-22nd – Ostara
  • March 22nd – April 21st – Ramadan
  • April 1st – April Fools’ Day
  • April 9th – Easter
  • April 5-13th – Passover
  • April 22-23rd – Eid al-Fitr
  • May 1st – May Day / Beltane
  • May 4th – Star Wars Day
  • May 5th – Cinco De Mayo
  • May 14th – Mother’s Day
  • View a more detailed list of religious holidays throughout the year here

As you can see, this season calls for a lot of different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds! It’s important to celebrate and understand the significance of each holiday may be different for each individual depending on their background.

We understand there is no “one size fits all”…ever! That’s why we encourage you to understand the upcoming holidays and how these days can impact our teammates.

Some Tips on How to Celebrate More Consciously

  • Use inclusive naming when planning your events, happy hours, etc.
  • Be mindful when wishing someone a “Happy ______“ if you aren’t sure what they celebrate.
  • Be aware of what icebreakers you use. Many can be very holiday focused and may feel awkward for those who don’t celebrate. Try some different options, maybe focused on the season.
  • When in doubt, ask what you can do to be more mindful of each individual

Ice Breaker Ideas

  1. What is your favorite spring activity?
  2. Would you rather attend a BBQ or go on a picnic?
  3. Do you garden? Do you have a green thumb?
  4. What is your favorite flower?
  5. What are your favorite picnic items?
  6. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
  7. Do you like to spring clean? Why/why not?

Keep in mind, the goal behind these questions is to keep them focused on something all of our teammates can experience!

Happy spring! We hope this season brings you lots of positive energy, joy, happiness, and laughter!

Sources & Additional Readings





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